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Job Profile Communication Messages

There are several Communication Message for Job Profile. The default Subject, Body and Trigger information for each message is listed below. These may differ than what your System Administrator set up in the root LearnCenter. You have the ability to edit message defaults on a per-LearnCenter basis. See Editing Communication Messages and Communication Message - Automation for instructions.

Some messages can be configured using triggers and some with multiple action dates. The following table lists all available messages, and their action date and trigger availability.

Message Name Recipient Subject Message Body Before/ Upon/ After Action Date Configurable by Time Frame Description Trigger Available
Job Profile Completion Certificate User Job Profile Completion Certificate Dear [[User First Name]] [[User Last Name]], You have completed the job profile [[Job Profile Name]] and have obtained the attached certificate. Please view and print the attached certificate for your own records. Upon Completion of Job Profile Requirements No This message is sent when a User completes all requirements for a Job Profile. No
Job Profile Self Assignment Supervisor [[Username]] self-mapped to the [[Job Profile Name]] Dear [[Supervisor First Name]] [[Supervisor Last Name]], Your direct report, [[User First Name]] [[User Last Name]] has mapped himself/herself to the job profile - [[Job Profile Name]]. Please click the link below to approve or decline this action. [[User SelfAssignment Link]] Upon User Mapping No This message is sent when a Supervisor's direct reports have mapped themselves to a Job Profile. No
Job Profile Self Removal Supervisor [[Username]] self-unmapped from the [[Job Profile Name]] Dear [[Supervisor First Name]] [[Supervisor Last Name]], The username - [[Username]] has unmapped himself/herself from the job profile - [[Job Profile Name]]. Please click the link below to approve or decline this action. [[User SelfRemoval Link]] Upon User Un-Mapping No This message is sent when a Supervisor's direct reports have un-mapped themselves to a Job Profile. No
User Request Approved User Approved for [[SelfAction]] Dear [[Username]], Your [[SelfAction]] to the job profile - [[Job Profile Name]] has been approved. Upon Supervisor Approval No This message is sent when Users are approved for Job Profiles they have self-mapped to. No
User Request Declined User Declined for [[SelfAction]] Dear [[Username]], Your [[SelfAction]] to the job profile - [[Job Profile Name]] has been declined. Upon Supervisor Decline No This message is sent to Users when their requests to be mapped to Job Profiles has been declined No

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